Sawmill Tour
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We're working on a "Sawmill Tour" article that will describe the various methods of milling and drying lumber including definitions of quarter sawn, rift sawn, face cut, kiln dried, etc. Look for this article online shortly!
Our goal is to explain the processes that takes wood from the forest to furniture. From massive Georgia Pacific scale outfits to a guy, a truck, and a band saw mill leaves space for dozens of scales, sizes, kilns, automation techniques, and configurations of saws, debarkers, loaders, trucks, lumberjacks and operators. Without all these preliminary steps, hardworking people, and all sorts of machines ... we can't make furniture.

Methods of Cutting & Debarking

Methods of Power

Human Power

Water Power

Steam Power

First Combustion Engine Power
We've just gotten started! You haven't seen pit saws, chainsaw mills, hydraulic systems, and who knows how many other methods of cutting wood!
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