Stan Saperstein's Sharpshooter

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The Book Reviews are in!
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Artisans of the Valley
103 Corrine Drive Pennington, NJ 08534
Publisher - Longstreet House
Publishers of Civil War Books - Original and Reprints
P.O. Box 730
Hightstown, NJ 08520
Resellers or presentation Coordinators Click here for a printable PDF format Sharpshooters Flyer
Sharpshooter Announcement
A true labor of love over the past four years, Stanley has strived to complete his first novel focusing on the US Sharpshooters. Stan has been busy working with a cast of characters including Dr. David Martin, his son Eric, and Jack Trafford. The crew has been editing, revising, and tweaking the text a seemly endless number of times. Fortunately, for all our sanity, the book arrived. Amazingly there's physical copies now on hand.
"Saperstein's book is highly recommended for its vivid imagery, its realistic portrait of army life, experiences, and tactics of the members of this elite unit." Reviewer Michael Russer Civil War News - Click here to read the whole review. or
Visit Civil War News or this review on their website.

Stanley's desire to involve himself in history and share his knowledge and experiences with others inspired this novel. Portraying a 2nd USSS and various other historic characters in reenactments, presentations, lectures, and classes he has gained a fanatic level knowledge of the Civil War and especially the Sharpshooters. The novel portrays this knowledge through an imaginative manuscript. Please check the Presentations page for details!
Our goal is to build a site that not only shows and markets our woodworking and restoration services, but also offers our clients and others on the web a knowledge base of history and information on all our hobbies and interests. It is this knowledge that sets Artisans restoration services apart from others. If you found this link searching for historic content, please take a moment to visit the rest of our site. Artisans of the Valley offers a wide variety of antique and artifact preservation, conservation, and restoration services. We plan to include a variety of links to Online US Sharpshooter resources, as well as historic articles, photos, and other pages of historic interest.
If you enjoy the first chapter, please feel free to contact us for more information on the upcoming hardback edition scheduled to be available for shipment this summer!
This book is a true account of the 1st and 2nd Regiments of U.S. Sharpshooters in the Army of the Potomac in the American Civil War 1861-65. This book is listed as a historical novel, not true nonfiction, because the characters of Sam Price, Lev Price, and Carl Van Hester are fictional characters. Although fictional, they are composites of true sharpshooters of the time. The events that they are depicted in are true. Certain actions that are known to be true but not attributed to any one person, are illustrated through the fictional characters, or assigned to the most likely historical character that participated in an action. In order to tell the whole story of all the actions that the sharpshooter regiments fought in, it is necessary to be able to relocate the fictional characters to where the action took place. True historical figures cannot be part of actions where they did not serve.
Historical figures are portrayed by their documented actions and speak their parts as accurately as interpretation of historical fact allows through reference sources. The purpose of this book is to bridge the gap between exacting history and the usual romantic historical novel filled with heroes, villains and an over emphasized love story. There are no all conquering heroes, dastardly villains or sex scenes to take away from what happened to the common soldiers that fought the Civil War and how they thought.
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