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Artisans bookstore will offer an increasing number of links to purchase books through our site, Stanley's publisher, our soon to open Amazon store, or other sources providing woodworking, craft, art, or historic media. To reproduce period furniture and create unique designs in wood or in any medium, understanding past craftsmen and their lives is invaluable.

This is the beginnings of our bookstore - so check back often as we plan to continuously expand this section, as well as other areas of our website, in hopes of building a true online resource and educational website surrounding the history of our profession and all trades and artistic or historic pursuits.

This is our first Catalog, an Alphabetical Listing of Publications, check back shortly for "Buy it Now" buttons allowing paypal payments. Please call or email the publisher directly to make purchase arrangements until our online purchasing comes online!

Publisher - Longstreet House
Publishers of Civil War Books - Original and Reprints
P.O. Box 730
Hightstown, NJ 08520

Address Delivered at the Rededication of the Monument to the First New Jersey Brigade at Gettysburg October 9, 1982
By Dr. David Martin. A 12 page booklet. Published 1993. ISBN 0-944413-25-0. $3.50

The Battle of Monmouth
By William Stryker. Reprint of 1927 edition. 470 pages. $35.00

Battle of Monmouth
By Samuel Craig Cowart. For those readers who are also interested in the American Revolution...An historic account of the Battle of Monmouth with illustrations. Booklet includes the original poem "Patriot Sires of Monmouth" written to honor the members of the Washington Pilgrimage. A 32 page booklet published in April 1998. ISBN 0-944413-50-1. $8.00

A Brief History of the Fourth Pennsylvania Veteran Cavalry
By William E. Doster. Reset text of scarce 1891 book. 130 pages with new photos, introduction and index. Published June 1997. ISBN 0-944413-45-5. $20.00.

The Chancellorsville Campaign, Dr. David Martin (1991). 176 pages, hardback. $20.00 Limited soft back edition, $15.00
Jackson's Valley Campaign Dr. David Martin (New paperback edition published 2003). 223 pages. $18.00
The Second Bull Run Campaign Dr. David Martin (1997), 299 pages, hardback. $20.00
The Peninsula Campaign Dr. David Martin (1992). 254 pages. $20.00
The Philadelphia Campaign Dr. David Martin (New paperback edition published 2003). $18.00
The Vicksburg Campaign Dr. David Martin (New paperback edition published 2003). $18.00

The Fluvanna Artillery Dr. David Martin (1992). Regimental history from the H.E. Howard Virginia series. 165 pages. Hardbound. $15.00

Gettysburg , July 1. Dr. David Martin New paperback edition published in 2003. 736 pages. $20.00.

Camp Vredenburg in the Civil War
By Dr. David Martin. Tells of the rediscovery of the camp's location near Freehold, with its entire history. Includes 3 maps, 4 illustrations in a 28 page booklet. Published 1993. ISBN 0-944413-27-7. $6.00
Carl Bornemann's Regiment: The 41st New York Infantry in the Civil War
By David Martin. The De Kalb Regiment. ISBN 0-944413-03-X. Out of Print.
A Casualty at Gettysburg and Andersonville:
Selections from the Civil War Diary Of Private Austin A. Carr of the 82nd New York Infantry

Edited by Dr. David Martin. A 44 page booklet. Published 1998. ISBN 0-944413-15-3. $9.00
Cavalryman in Blue: Colonel John Wood Kester of the 1st New Jersey Cavalry in the Civil War
By Donald E. Kester. 200 pages. Published June 1997. ISBN 0-944413-46-3. $15.00
Charlie Mosher's Civil War: From Fair Oaks to Andersonville with the Plymouth Pilgrims [cover image]
Edited by Wayne Mahood. A private from the 85th New York Infantry gives new insights into the war on the North Carolina coast, plus a very moving account of prison life at Andersonville and Florence. 350 pages, 30 illustrations, and indices. Hardbound. Published June 1994. ISBN 0-944413-20-X. $30.00
The Civil War Diaries of Col. Theodore B. Gates, Twentieth New York State Militia
Edited by Seward Osborne. This regiment from Ulster County served in the First Corps at Antietam and Gettysburg and then in the Army of the Potomac's Provost Guard. 197 pages, 35 illustrations, 11 maps and index. Hardbound. Published 1992. ISBN 0-944413-21-8. $25.00
The Civil War Letters of General Robert McAllister. by Robert McAllister. Reprint of 1965 edition. 638 pages.$20.00
Clara Barton and Hightstown
By Dr. David Martin, Grace Norton Rogers and Maurice Shuman. Tells of Clara Barton's teaching career in East Windsor, NJ in 1851-52, and her lifelong friendship with Mary Norton. A 32 page booklet with 5 illustrations. Published 1994. ISBN 0-944413-30-7. $6.00

Comparative value of Rifled and Smooth-Bored Arms

Edited by William C. Goble. Reprint of rare booklet favoring smooth-bored weapons, with the reasons why, by New York Colonel who was killed at Gettysburg . 16 page booklet. Published 1995. ISBN 0-944413-38-2. $5.00
Delaware at Gettysburg
Report of the Joint Committee to Mark the Positions Occupied by the 1st and 2nd Regiments

A revised edition of the 1st & 2nd Delaware regiments at the Battle of Gettysburg July 2nd and 3rd, 1863. A reprint of the rare 1887 report. A 32 page booklet with an introduction written by Jeff Kowalis. $5.00

The Diary of a Soldier
By J. Gilmor West (28th NJ). 120 pages, softbound. $7.00

Died at Gettysburg [cover image]
By Jeffrey J. and Loree L. Kowalis. An illustrated biography of 93 Union casualties at Gettysburg. 293 pages and 11 fully indexed maps. Also includes over 190 illustrations mostly from private collections, many not previously published. Hardbound. Published July 1998. ISBN 0-944413-55-2. $30.00
Discovering Paterson (New Jersey) in the Civil War
By Joseph Lozia. 36 page pamphlet, 10 illustrations. Published 1996. ISBN 0-944413-34-X. $7.00Stock is low
Enlisted for the War:
The Struggles of the Gallant 24th Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers, 1861-1865
[cover image]
By Eugene Jones. An all-new annotated history with full descriptive roster. Includes 528 pages, with 17 maps, 40 illustrations and including portraits of 20 unit members. Hardbound. Published June 1997. ISBN 0-944413-43-9. $40.00
Fifty Years Ago: A Brief History of the 29th New Jersey Volunteers
By T.C. Morford. Reset text of very rare 1912 edition. Introduction, roster and index by Dr. David G. Martin. 54 page booklet. Published 1990. ISBN 0-944413-16-1. $9.00
Final Report of the New Jersey Gettysburg Battlefield Monument Commission
Reprint of scarce 1891 government report. Gives excellent background on the erection of the monuments and their dedication ceremonies. 194 pages, numerous illustrations, index and new map added. Published May 1997. Hardbound. ISBN 0-944413-41-7. $20.00
Forgotten Warriors: New Jersey's African American Soldiers in the Civil War [cover image]
By Joseph Bilby. The first monograph on black soldiers from a single state. Published with the aid of a grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission. A 72 page booklet including 11 illustrations, and index. Published 1994. ISBN 0-944413-28-5. $7.95 Stock is low
General James Longstreet and his New Jersey Relations
By David Martin. A brief history of the families and common ancestry of Jonathan Longstreet of Holmdel, NJ and Confederate General James Longstreet. A 32 page booklet with 8 illustrations. $8.00
Gettysburg July 1, REVISED EDITION
By David G. Martin. Acclaimed study based almost entirely on primary sources. Regimental level study on the scale of Harry Pfanz's July 2nd books. Includes 750 pages, 20 maps, 2700 footnotes and 400 sources. New paperback edition published 2003. $20.00
Give it to them, Jersey Blues!
A History of the 7th Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers in the Civil War

By John Hayward. An all-new regimental history with 73 photographs of regimental members. 375 pages, over 110 illustrations, 30 maps, roster and index. Hardbound. Published November 1998. ISBN 0-944413-23-4. $35.00
Hexamer's First New Jersey Battery in the Civil War
Edited by Dr. David Martin. 36 page booklet. Roster. Published 1992. ISBN 0-944413-24-2. $6.00
History of A Cavalry Company:
A Complete Record of Company A, 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry

By William Hyndman. Reset text of scarce 1870 book. 250 pages with new photographs, introduction and index. Published June 1997. Hardbound. ISBN 0-944413-44-7. $30.00
History of Battery B, First New Jersey Artillery
By Michael Hanifen. A reprint of the 1905 edition. One of the scarcest of all NJ regimentals. The only monograph on any of the state's five batteries on the war. 200 pages, roster, 44 illustrations, and new indices. Hardbound. Published 1991. ISBN 0-944413-17-X. $25.00
History of the Eleventh New Jersey Volunteers [cover image]
By Thomas B. Marbaker. Reprint of the 1898 edition with a new introduction by John Kuhl. 490 pages, over 90 illustrations, 10 maps, roster, and index. Hardbound. Published 1990. ISBN 0-944413-13-7. $32.00
History of Kearny's First New Jersey Brigade
By Camille Baquet. Recent reprint. Covers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 15th and 40th Regiments. Includes 515 pages, index, and rosters. $30.00
History of the First Regiment, Delaware Volunteers
By William P. Seville. Expanded reprint of the 1884 edition with 15 photographs of regimental members. 186 pages and 2 maps with index. Hardbound. Published June 1998. ISBN 0-944413-00-5. $20.00
Holding the Left at Gettysburg: The 20th N. Y.S.M. on July 1, 1863
By Seward Osborne. A well received original booklet. Including 36 pages, 2 maps, and 6 photographs. Published 1990. ISBN 0-944413-14-5. Out of print
Jersey Cavaliers
A History of the First New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry
[cover image]
By Edward G. Longacre. An all new history by the award winning author of The Cavalry at Gettysburg. 423 pages, roster, 15 maps, over 90 illustrations including 50 individual portraits. Hardbound. Published 1992. ISBN 0-944413-19-6. $35.00
The Last Full Measure: Burials in the Soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettysburg
By John Busey. The only published index to the cemetery; contains corrected name listings. 277 pages, 7 illustrations, map. Hardbound. Published 1988. ISBN 0-944413-12-9. Out of print

Louis Raymond Francine, Brevet Brigadier-General , U.S. Volunteers

By Albert P. Francine. Edited by Paul J. Lader. Reprint, with new introduction, of scarce booklet on New Jersey General killed at Gettysburg . 29 pages, 7 illustrations, 1 map. Published 2000. ISBN 0-944413-62-5. $8.00
Men of Color at the Battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778. The Role of African Americans and Native Americans at Monmouth
By Richard Walling. 2nd Edition. Includes a list of over 200 names and identifications. A 40 page booklet with 5 illustrations. Published 1994. ISBN 0-944413-29-3. $3.95
Michigan at Gettysburg
Reprint of the 1889 edition. Proceedings of the monument dedications in 1889 and the final report of the state's Gettysburg Monument Commission. 230 pages, 35 illustrations and index. Hardbound. Published July 1998. ISBN 0-944413-56-0. $25.00

A Molly Pitcher Sourcebook

By David G. Martin. Contains the text of over 100 sources by more than 80 different authors, with analysis and commentary on each. 329 pages, notes, bibliography, index. Published 2003. ISBN 0-944413-69-2. $35.00
The Monocacy Regiment:
A Commemorative History of the 14th NJ Infantry in the Civil War.
[cover image]
Edited by Dr. David Martin. Contains an exact reprint of Terrill's Campaign of the 14th New Jersey Volunteers (1884); reset text of Letters of Major Peter Vredenburgh of the Battles and Marches of the Old Fourteenth Regiment (1870s); and new material by Joseph Bilby and Dr. David Martin. 352 pages, 3 maps, 48 photographs of unit members, and indices. Hardbound. Published 1987. ISBN 0-944413-05-6. Out of print
"My Sons were Faithful and They Fought"
The Irish Brigade at Antietam. An Anthology
[cover image]
Edited by Joseph Bilby and Steve O'Neill. Collection of essays by several noted authors. Royalties from sales will go to support the new Irish brigade monument at Antietam. This book includes 140 pages with 30 illustrations and 5 maps. Softbound attractive color cover in an oversize format. Published June 1997. ISBN 0-944413-42-0 $18.00
New Jersey's Ninth Regiment: Report of State Commission for Erection of Monument to Ninth New Jersey Volunteers at New Berne, North Carolina
Reprint of 1905 edition. 112 pages.$12.00
New Jersey Troops in the Gettysburg Campaign
By Samuel Toombs. Reprint of 1888 edition, with new introduction and index by Dr. David Martin. 440 pages. Hardbound. Published 1988. ISBN 0-944413-11-1. $30.00
NJ Civil War Battle Flags
Full color 22 x 28" poster featuring flags of the following regiments: The 1st Cavalry, 3rd Cavalry, Battery A, the 4th Battery, 3rd Infantry, 14th Infantry, 23rd Infantry, 25th Infantry and 33rd Infantry plus the 15th Infantry colorguard. $20.00 postage paid in shipping tube.

Our Brothers Gone Before: Civil War Burials in New Jersey

By Bob MacAvoy and Chuck Eckhardt. Listing of over 40,000 Civil War burials in New Jersey . Two volumes. In preparation. Let us know if you are interested.

The Plymouth Pilgrims:
A History of the Eighty-Fifth New York Infantry in the Civil War
[cover image]
By Wayne Mahood. Revised edition of our 1989 book. The regiment fought in North Carolina and was captured almost intact at Plymouth and then sent to Andersonville prison. 367 pages, expanded roster, 15 maps, and over 100 illustrations. Hardbound. Published 1992. ISBN 0-944413-09-9. Out of print
Reflections From The Shrine: An Anecdotal History of Hightstown and East Windsor, New Jersey
By John W. Orr, Jr. 408 Pages, 5 maps, 152 illustrations, fully indexed. Hardbound. Published 1999. ISBN 0-044413-49-8. $40.00

The Raising of New Jersey 's Civil War Troops

By David G. Martin. Six page booklet listing the dates and training camps of each of New Jersey 's Civil War units. Published 1993. ISBN 0-944413-26.9. $1.00
Regimental Strengths and Losses at Gettysburg
By John Busey and Dr. David Martin. Revised and corrected edition of this highly respected study. Contains order of battle and strength information not available elsewhere. Detailed comparative strength and loss tables. 360 pages, and indices. Hardbound. Published October 1994. ISBN 0-944413-32-3. New 4 th edition in preparation, revised and expanded.
Remember Fontenoy! [cover image]
The 69th New York and the Irish Brigade in the American Civil War By Joseph G. Bilby. The first annotated history of this famous unit in 130 years. 269 pages and over 100 illustrations, including over 50 individual portraits and 11 flags. Hardbound. Published June 1995. ISBN 0-944413-37-4. $28.00
Remember You Are Jerseymen
A Military History of Jersey's Troops in the Civil War
[cover image]
By Joseph G. Bilby and William C. Goble. Chapters on every regiment and battery. Also covers the draft, USCT and biographies of general officers. Includes quarterly ordnance reports on weapons carried by all units. 753 pages, over 100 illustrations and 17 maps. Hardbound. Published June 1998. ISBN 0-944413-54-4. $48.00
Reminiscences of the Thirteenth New Jersey Infantry in the Civil War
By Samuel Toombs. Reprint of the scarce 1878 edition with a new introduction, index and eight maps. The only full history of this unit from the 12th and 20th Corps which fought in both the eastern and western theaters. 300 pages, hard bound. Published June 1994. ISBN 0-944413-08-8. $25.00
The Saga of the Mountain Legion 156th N. Y. Volunteers
" The Modest Hero Who Saved Our Flag"

By Seward Osborne. The first study of this unit from Ulster County. A 40 page booklet with 10 illustrations. Published 1994. ISBN 0-944413-31-5. $6.00
The Search for Camp Olden, Hamilton Township
By Joseph Seliga. Gives the history and probable location of this important training camp outside Trenton. A 52 page booklet published in 1995. ISBN 0-944413-39-0. $7.00


A new novel by Stanley Saperstein. Historically accurate and exciting story of Berdan's United States Sharpshooters in the Civil War. 386 pages, 26 illustrations, 20 maps. Published 2003. ISBN 0-944413-68-4. $35.00

The Story of Molly Pitcher

An 8 page booklet by David G. Martin. Written for school children. Published ---.

ISBN 0-944413-64-1. $2.00
These Honored Dead:
The Union Casualties at Gettysburg, REVISED EDITION

By John W. Busey. Full listing of all 5,101 killed and mortally wounded, listed by state and regiment, plus complete alphabetical index. A definitive study that gives age, enlistment data, nature of wound, and burial data. New edition contains 100 extra pages and over 20 new photographs of casualties. 508 pages, over 40 illustrations. Hardbound. Published June 1996. ISBN 0-944413-40-4. $30.00

Three Rousing Cheers: A History of the Fifteenth New Jersey from Flemington to Appomattox

By Joseph G. Bilby. Revised edition of our 1993 original book, which quickly sold out. Highly acclaimed. 453 pages, notes, bibliography, roster, 20 maps, over 140 illustrations. Published 2001. Full color dust jacket. ISBN 0-944413-61-7. $42.00
The Three-Month Service of the 20th NY State Militia April 28 - August 2, 1861
By Seward R. Osborne and forward written by Brian Pohanka. A new 44 page booklet of the 20th New York State Militia. 17 illustrations and one map. ISBN 0-944413-47-1. $9.00
To Gettysburg and Beyond
The Twelfth New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, II Corps, Army of the Potomac, 1862-1865

By Edward G. Longacre. 467 pages, roster, index, 15 maps and over 90 illustrations including 53 portraits of unit members. Hardbound. Published 1988. $36.00
Written in Blood. History of the 126th New York Infantry in the Civil War [cover image]
By Wayne Mahood. An all-new annotated history, with roster. Extensive coverage of Gettysburg and 1864 Virginia Campaigns. 548 pages, 20 maps & 63 illustrations and portraits of 23 unit members. Published June 1997. Hardbound. ISBN 0-944413-33-1. $40.00

Artisans of the Valley
Hand Crafted Custom Woodworking

Stanley D. Saperstein
Eric M. Saperstein
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