Restoration Gallery
High Quality Hand Made Pieces
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Carved Mahogany Mantle
The story behind this mantle includes President Richard Nixon as a previous owner. Our client acquired it through a dealer providing a few tidbits of its past. We're hoping to document this pedigree. Shown on the left after restoration and on the right before in the above photos.
The mantle arrived with water damage and scratches from inappropriate storage and handling during a recent move. Additionally the piece required disassembly and reassembly to restore the joint work. Several small sections are the elaborate carving and dental molding were missing.
Artisans performed a complete finish and structural restoration, and replaced all the missing sections of carving and moldings.
Below: Left is the restored photos, and right shows the water damaged surfaces.
Circa 1690 Pilgrim Chest

This piece has all the signs of an original chest. Hand carving, hand joint work, hand forged pins with strap hinges inside, turnings that match the period, and several other keys.
Unfortunately this box was refinished in a modern method, we removed the improper finish and applied a hand cut shellac finish.

Coffee Table (In the Shop Now!)
This antique coffee table has certainly seen better days, the apparent victim of a sitting incident. The extra weight took a toll that was an inevitable end given the extensive beatle damage throughout the legs. Our goal is to rebuild the structure and make it stand on its own feet again.
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