Welcome to Artisans Publicity section, it seems for various reasons or another we have been featured in several local, national, and even international publications. We always welcome the opportunity to work with reporters, producers, and editors to create unique content for your media.
September of 2009 we launched our International Television Debut with our EBRU-TV feature on Blank Canvas. Originally airing in September of 2009 the show is now available online!
Mobile Friendly "Blank Canvas" Video Link
Windows/Mac "Blank Canvas" Video Link
Eric & Stanley are both published authors many times over, and Stanley now boasts his first novell in hardback - entitled "Sharpshooters" published by Longstreet House.
Any article listed below authored by Stan or Eric is available for publication by request with written permission. We are happy with work with newspapers to gain permission for use of materials created by their staff writers and photographers.
Please feel free to contact us if we may be of service as authors, consultants, or if you are searching for feature material for your publications, papers, etc.
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September 13, 2007 - Press Release - "Timberlane gets new timberwolf" - Hopewell Valley News, Sept 13th, 2007. This article features a project chainsaw carved by Bob Eigenrauch, Master Chainsaw Carver with hand detailing by Master Wood Carver Stanley D. Saperstein.

"The Philosophy of Restoration" - This PDF format article focuses on Artisans Restoration Philosophy. Restoration is a daunting undertaking for many of our clients, we hope this article helps to shed light into the confusing world of antique restoration. It debating what to do and what not to do, and helps our clients make and educate decision regarding the destiny of their piece. Awaiting printed publication, this article is now featured online at:
Carving a Niche (Reprint) The editors of the National Woodcarver's Association magazine, "Chip Chats" were kind enough to reprint our January 3rd 2002 Trenton Times feature article for an audience of approximately 77,000 members.
"Stamp Box" by Stanley D. Saperstein published in Fine Woodworking, Vol 1. Issue 1 in 1975. The first ever issue of this now famous national publication. The article features the history of the relic box, and shows measured design drawings.
"Constructing and Carving an Heirloom Blanket Chest" by Stanley D. Saperstein, 1974 featured in "Chip Chats." Stanley's formal apprenticeship graduation required completion of a piece to define his journeyman status. His Connecticut Chest served this purpose, and won a feature article.
"17th Century Bible Box" Featured in "Chip Chat's" in 1975, this article by Stanley D. Saperstein shows one of his first formal bible boxes