Woodshop News is Sticking With It
By Eric Saperstein on Apr 26, 2009 in Walking Sticks
Woodshop News is an invaluable source of information the woodworking trade. The venue allows the interchange of information pertaining to materials, finishes, techniques, fasteners, equipment, adhesives, tools, and toys. Woodshop News also has a consistent habit of publishing articles pertaining to industry trends and shop survival tactics; especially relevant topics given the current economic state.
The Woodshop News Staff:
- Woodshop News Editor Tod Riggio
- Woodshop News Writer Brian Caldwell
- Woodshop News Writer Jennifer Hicks
Tod Riggio, Editor: It’s Riggio’s job to know what’s happening in the industry and what new tools are hitting the shelves.
Brian Caldwell, Senior Writer: Caldwell covers topics that affect the woodworking industry, including governmental regulatory issues.
Jennifer Hicks, Staff Writer: As a staff writer, Jennifer focuses on news stories, profiles, new tool pieces and the library
A common trait of woodworkers (and all artists) is a general desire to share their craft with others. Most of us do offer shop-to-shop services, but it’s our customers that most often write our paychecks. Alternately it is often the recognition that comes from our peers, those qualified to pass judgment, which strokes our egos. A feature profile in Woodshop News generates such peer recognition within the various trades of woodworking.
Stanley D. Saperstein, Master Craftsman Emeritus, was featured in an article entitled “Sticking With It” published January 2009, Woodshop News, providing an opportunity to show off his hand made folk art walking sticks, canes, and hiking staffs. Stanley, now retired, enjoys spending time whittling, pursuing his historic interests, and causing trouble around the shop to keep him busy. He was interviewed by staff writer Jennifer Hicks for his artist profile.
We’ve also reprinted the article in Artisans Quarterly Review Vol. 2 Issue 2 – 2009. The article is paired with a feature article on diamond will walking sticks.
More of Stanley’s walking sticks are featured on our spin-off website www.customwalkingsticks.com.
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