Sharpshooters – Stanley D. Saperstein’s chronicles of the USSS

Stanley D. Saperstein as USSS Wyman White - Photo by Henry Schweber

Stanley D. Saperstein as USSS Wyman White - Photo by Henry Schweber

Artisans’ craftsman not restricted to woodworking – you may have noticed a tenancy for artistry in words, if not and you have just stumbled on our blog then start following the links to find thousands of pages of information. We’ve published a huge array of website content, articles, blog entries, Newsletters, and taken advantage of other mediums to convey information about our crafts, our art, and our affiliates. Artisans’ founder Stanley D. Saperstein is also a renowned historian and has authored a historic novel entitled “Sharpshooters.”

Sharpshooters; The fascinating and thrilling story of the elite green clad Union troops known as the “widow makers,” the United States Sharpshooters.

Follow their story from their conception by the controversial Hiriam Berdan, through their training, and their battles between 1861 and 1865 in a fast paced fact filled historical novel, accurate in every detail. See in the minds eye the development of Sam and Lev Price from raw recruits to battle hardened veterans, as they interact with real historical characters such as Wyman White, Charlie Wilson, California Joe, & Swearing Bob Casey.

The story depicts camp life, marches, battles, and thoughts of the common soldier’s point of view. Meticulously researched from diaries and the USSS Regimental History, the book includes an appendix, separating fact from fiction, and historically accurate illustrations and maps.

About the Author

Stanley D. Saperstein's Sharpshooters - Book CoverStan Saperstein was born in 1946, and graduated from Rider University in 1968. He holds a BA in History and Political Science, and he obtained his MA in History/Education from the College of New Jersey in 1971. He was married to Cynthia Popkin in 1972 and has two grown children, Eric and Jonathan.

Stanley’s specialty is military history, which he has kept up with for over thirty years, reading, research, and doing living history. He is a colonial furniture maker, having served a seven-year apprentice as a wood carver/furniture make. This background sets the stage for his impression of a Revolutionary War cannon artificer.  Stan continues his involvement in history reenacting famed rifleman Tim Murphy, as well as Civil War characters such as a USSS Wyman White.

Stanley D. Saperstein - Author of Sharpshooters at local book signingStanley finished a thirty-year career as a Personnel Manager in New Jersey State government at the end of 2001, and is now pursuing his hobbies. Stanley’s retirement  gave him the time to oversee the completion of his son Eric’s apprenticeship in 18th Century Woodworking, formally acknowledging this event in January of 2008. Having passed on his skills as a craftsman he now concentrates his time on volunteer teaching, indulging in historical research, and serving various museums and historic organizations focusing on the Civil and Revolutionary Wars.

Stan can be seen at local living histories as a US Sharpshooter showing his antique 1851 Wessen Target Rifle, double barrel flintlock, and on occasion a 1790 pack howitzer. He is available for lectures and demonstrations including book tours, educational programs, interactive lectures in full costume, Revolutionary War artillery demonstrations, and woodworking demonstrations. For more information please review Artisans of the Valley’s Educational Programs

Contact Stanley Directly for information about his educational services at: – please include your phone number in your email to ensure we are able to respond to your inquiry. Artisans of the Valley can be reached at 609-637-0450.

Sharpshooters is now in hardback!

$35 (US) plus $4 USA shipping and handling Order now through PayPal. NJ residents please add 6% sales tax!

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Click here for Chapter 1 Stanley Saperstein’s “Sharpshooter

Artisans of the Valley

103 Corrine Drive Pennington, NJ 08534

Publisher – Longstreet House

Dr. David Martin
Publishers of Civil War Books – Original and Reprints
P.O. Box 730
Hightstown, NJ 08520

Resellers or presentation Coordinators Click here for a printable PDF format Sharpshooters Flyer

Sharpshooter Announcement

Sharpshooters is 403 Pages – 26 Images – 20 Maps


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