Personalized Walking Sticks – These go FAR beyond a medical necessity!
By Eric Saperstein on May 23, 2009 in Artisans' Causes, Walking Sticks, Woodcarving & Sculpture
Master Craftsman Stanley D. Saperstein is always whittling away at what often seems like random sticks and blocks of wood. A few hours later – the transition between raw material and folk art walking stick begins to become apparent. We’re just a little bit behind on updating (to say the least … the last “real” update was in 2006) so we’re going to blog a bit about our walking stick portfolio.
All of Stanley’s canes, hiking staffs, and walking sticks are custom made, one-of-a-kind originals. Each is signed and personalized by commission for each individual client. They are sized per your height and weight requirements and intended use. Each staff portrays the life and accomplishments of its owner, featuring interests, crests, family, fraternal symbolism, and military service as applicable.
If you’re considering a commission – please click the following link: “A Cause for Walking Sticks” It will bring you to a feature article that will not only show you more of Stanley’s sticks, but it will explain Rory Fanning’s walk for Pat Tillman and how Artisans is supporting this worthy cause. Don’t forget to mention your support for Rory’s walk when you contact us about your commission. All you have to do is mention Rory’s question and we will then contribute 40% of your commission to this cause!
We’ll be announcing the completion of the first four sticks commissioned under the “Cause for Walking Sticks” project … and revealing more details about their destiny next month; for now it’s a clandestine operation. Meanwhile think about someone in your life that may benefit from a walking stick. We’re constantly running into “stubborn” people who refuse to carry a cane as they feel it’s a … well a crutch … Here’s a few thoughts on that.

Rory Fanning walking for Pat Tillman
#1 – YES … one view of having to carry a cane due to an injury or medical need is that it is a crutch; that said get over it! It’s a fact of life that there are times when we all need a little support.
#2 – Think about it there’s no rule that you have to carry an ambiguous looking metal pole or clearly obvious medical device.
#3 – A personalized cane or walking stick makes a statement about your personality, it can show a concise accounting of your life, and it opens the door to conversation and meeting new people.
#4 – For generations canes have been a fashion statement, not a sign of weakness.
#5 – Hikers and serious walkers are never seen without their staff in hand. A staff is not only a mechanism to establish balance, it’s a means of defense. Those on the trail may come across snakes, animals, or worse yet an ill intentioned person. I wouldn’t recommend the average person taking a stick to a gunfight – but I will make a very confident statement. If you walk up to me with a knife, and I have a staff … you are going to loose the fight!
The image shown to the left is Rory Fanning – carrying his personal staff. We should note – he is NOT carrying one of Stanley’s sticks. We made the offer, but Rory is attached to his stick, and rightfully he will not relinquish it for any replacement. Rory is a former Army Ranger, he’s a leader and in great shape. You’re looking at someone that just walked clear across the United States in the name of his friend and brother in arms.
In the approaching 25 years that Stanley has been carving custom walking sticks, staffs, and canes we have never had a client who didn’t absolutely love carrying a personalized cane. Many have offered us the feedback that they alost never go out in public without someone commenting on their now prized possession, asking about it and sparking conversations and often finding them new friends. We’ve also been told that Stanley’s canes have saved our clients from many a fall, saving a great deal of pain!
We’re also expecting to hear from a lot more people to continue to extend our support for this cause for many years to come. The walk may complete, but the mission of the Pat Tillman Foundation will continue, our nation needs to instill wisdom, integrity, and leadership skills into the next generation. Check back very soon – as the first four sticks commissioned under “A Cause for Walking Sticks”are in progress and will be revealed soon.
Anyway … here’s a short gallery of four new walking sticks – completed within the past year or so.
Visit for an more of example’s of Stanley’s sticks, and be sure to check out Artisans support for Rory Fanning’s Walk for Pat Tillman.
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